Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hybrids, subspeicies and mutants

As any wise fisherman will tell you, nobody is really sure what they will catch and with mixed lakes and similar speicies crossbreeding is not uncommon. In fact, three days ago I caught what I am almost sure was a bluegill/pumkinseed hybrid, it had the shape of and fins of a bluegill but the coloration and mouth type of a pumkinseed plus a little bluegill color. Anyway, panfish breed easily with each other and hybrids among them are more than common but other speicies spawn with each other as well, for example , some hybrids are known and others are not named. For example if a male brook trout spawns with a female lake trout, you get what is called a splake, it is similar in size and shape to a brook trout but has the markings of a lake trout. Another form of hybrid that also involves a lake trout is a fish that you will catch in lake superior known as a ciscowet. If a walleye mates with a sauger the offspring is known as a saugeye and if a northern pike and a muskie spawn, you get a tiger muskie. On rare ocassions anglers catch mutant speicies like the silver pike, a mutant speicies of Nothern pike. Different forms of the same fish can be caught, a few examples are the northern largemouth bass and the florida largemouth bass and the northern bluegill and the florida bluegill. The muskie is divided into three subspeicies, the spotted muskie, the barred muskie and the clear muskie. You may catch a number of crossbreeds and subspeicies or evan mutants so if you catch a fish you don't know, look into it, you may be suprised. In the picture to the left, this is a Saugeye

Freshwater options: North America

North America is a masterpiece of God famous for it's natural beauty and bustling with lakes and rivers and ponds. You can reel in a variety of fish. These are the freshwater speicies you can catch, you can catch freshwater fish from the tropics of southern mexico or just below the arctic circle in northern Alaska. You may catch... {Pictured, Atlantic salmon}

Largemouth bass
Smallmouth bass
Spotted bass
redeye bass
pumpkinseed sunfish
longear sunfish
green sunfish
fliar sunfish
redear sunfish
redbreast sunfish
Orange spot sunfish
black crappie
white crappie
rock bass
white bass
yellow bass
striped bass
yellow perch
white perch
sacramento perch
striped bass
channel catfish
Blue catfish
flathead catfish
black bullhead
brown bullhead
yellow bullhead
white sturgeon
shovelnose sturgeon
lake sturgeon
Atlantic salmon
coho salmon
chinook salmon
pink salmon
chum salmon
sockeye salmon
brown trout
rainbow trout
brook trout
cutthroat trout
golden trout
lake trout
bull trout
apache trout
arctic char
dolly varden
lake whitefish
mountain whitefish
round whitefish
Nothern pike
chain pickeral
grass pickeral
rio grande perch
Grass carp
mirror carp
common carp
white sucker
freshwater goby
freshwater drum
shotnose gar
longnose gar
alligator gar
American shad
hickory shad