Two weeks ago I hooked a beaufiful northern pike! The thing was on my line for about twenty five seconds and then I accidently pulled the hook out of it's mouth. Bummer, but to tell you the truth I never saw the thing but the guy next to me described it to me. Well anyway, I now know why the fish escaped and what I did wrong, my andreniline rush got the better of me. You see I have this habit of jerking back on the rod more than once to make sure the fish stays hooked and keep reeling between jerks. I knew how to fight it and I knew what to do but like I said, my exitement overcame me. Perhaps if I had given the fish more line, it would have stayed on the hook. Well the point here is that you must learn to control your andreniline rush, it's not easy to to stay calm when you hook the big one, it is very exiting but still, you have to fight him just right before you can land him. For example if the fish is swimming downword, lower your rod and let out about a foot of line before raising the rod and reeling, if the fish is swimming out farther and farther keep letting out line until he stops, if he jumps out of the water that is an attempt to throw the hook so what you have to do is raise you rod as high as you can. The trick to keeping the fish on the hook is making sure your line is tight but if he is straining the line, just loosen your drag a little. You should only reel in under one of three condition, when the fish is has stopped struggling, if the fish is only struggling a tiny bit or if it has dragged out too much line and is about to snap it. One more thing, when landing the fish, if it is a big fish like a pike, salmon, muskie, catfish or even a big bass, it is best to use a net. Man if Only I had caught that pike, not only would it have been my first pike, it would have been the biggest fish I have ever caught.
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