Although you can catch them all over the united states and canada, the beautiful lakes of Wisconsin, minnisota, michigan and especally canada, ontario in particular host the best walleye fishing in the world! Walleye are particulary large fish growing up to five pounds just as an average weaght, they can grow eight pounds in just a few years and a ten to twelve pound walleye is a monster, a wallhanger if you will {I can just imagine one of those hanging over my fireplace} I personally beleive that they are the best eating freshwater speicies around, in fact if you get a walleye sandwich from Culver's you wont be able to find a tastier fish around! But how do you catch these Beautiful fish? I have been studying up on how to catch walleye for the past few days and I happen to know a few secrets that may prove sucsessful for you. First of all, during the warmer months of summer and late spring, these fish move out to deeper water with cover or underwater structure so if you have a boat, you should look for them there. Another key to sucsessful walleye fishing is knowing the fact that these fish are night dwellers, although they can be caught during daylight hours, if you are hoping for the best odds, I would reccomend fishing at dusk or dawn and throughout the hours between 9:00 pm and 4:00 am. Water conditions are a critical factor when using lures or live bait use bright flashy colors in murky water and natural colors in clear water. Remember that each day is unique, if you caught a walleye with a certain technique on sunday dosn't mean it will work on monday. due to the deep water feeding habits of these fish, it is best to have at least one weaght on your line and colored beads on your line may improve your chances of a bite. Now that you know the basics it is time for the most important part , bait, Walleye will eagerly take a lure or plastic bait but for the best results you should use live bait. Walleye are best caught on minnows, nightcrawlers and leeches, yes for some reason, walleye and perch seem to love leeches. Here is a technique that I learned watching a fishing show. Take a fathead minnow and hook it into the gill and out then through the body diagnoaly, this will kill the minnow but the walleye are just as willing to strike it if you cast and make a slow retreive. In case you are interested, this technique will also trigger bites from the close reletive of the walleye {The sauger} and from northern pike. Good luck!
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