Bullheads your going for? Well get this! I read a book called 500 fishing tips for freshwater and it said that the author got this peace of advice from some kid fishing at a local pond, he was using lima beans for bait just simple canned lima beans and he kept catching bullheads so I figured that I would give it a shot. So I bought some canned lima beans and I tried them out at a small pond here in Kenosha Wisconsin where I live, the pond is at Porio park near Bose Elementary school. I knew there were bullhead in the pond because my friend's grandmother caught two of them in one day and I found a dead bullhead in there once. Well anyway I baited my hook with a single lima bean and casted out, I got a bite and I reeled in a trout! The pond gets stocked with more trout every year and I guess that the reason they bite on lima beans is because they are raised on corn in the hatchery. Now that you have this information you should try using lima beans. Although I didn't catch a bullhead I still will keep trying with lima beans, you should too, who knows? you might catch truckloads of bullheads and maybe a trout or two!
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