You can buy minnows at almost any bait store and they make excellent bait but gosh are they expensive! You don't have to tell me, I know you are getting tired of paying $4.00 for one dozen and $8.00 for two dozen. Well let me let you all in on a little secret, It is so much cheeper to catch your own minnows than pay insane prices for them. Again you can buy minnow traps at most bait stores for the low price of $30.00!!! These things get stolen so easily in fact it happened to me once because it is best to leave them over night. Why go back to the bait store and spend $30.00 for another minnow trap when you can simply just make one yourself? Thats right! You can make one yourself! It is actually a whole lot simpiler than it sounds, all you need is some kitchen twine, some duct tape, a hole puncher and a two liter bottle of your favorite soda. First drink all the soda and empty the bottle then take a knife and slice off the very top end and you should get a funnel shape, turn the funnel upside down inside the bottle {this is how the minnows get inside your trap.} next tape it around the top to hold the funnel in place then take the hole puncher and punch a holes on both sides last string some kitchen twine through the holes and then tie it togather then take more kitchen twine and tie it to the string so you can pull the trap up. Heres how to use it, put sand in the bottom or just let the water fill it up to weagh it down. Tape some bread too the bottom for bait. I would recomend tying the string to a stick and anchoring it to the ground, this will keep it from floating away. Leave the trap over night at your favorite fishing location and with some luck when you return in the morning, Free bait! I tried this once and I had sucsess but I only caught two minnows, don't be dissapointed, sometimes you will catch fifty minnows sometimes none at all. The best thing is that when the minnows swim inside your trap, They are too stupid to find they're way out!!!
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